DeiC Interactive HPC via UCloud is a digital resource for DeiC Interactive HPC front offices – a centralised hub for information and resources to all UCloud front office personnel.
DeiC Interactive HPC
The DeiC Interactive HPC website is here to keep front office personnel up to date with news, system updates, and solutions to keep you well informed and capable of servicing your users.
We share research stories in an effort to spread knowledge about DeiC Interactive HPC, and we aim to bring front office personnel from all eight Danish universities closer together to facilitate knowledge sharing.
Latest News
- DeiC Interactive HPC Revolutionises Interdisciplinary Research with User-Friendly Supercomputing Access
- New UCloud User Interface
- Adding 16 NVIDIA H100 GPUs to the DeiC Interactive HPC service marks significant milestone in computational research
- No More Waiting for Resources
- 9000 users on DeiC Interactive HPC
Interactive HPC
DeiC Interactive HPC is provided via the the UCloud platform which is located in Denmark and run by Danish universities.
The platform is designed to be user-friendly with an intuitive graphical user interface, flexible and extensible to account for the multi-scale and multi-disciplinary research challenges, and the high data intensity and heterogeneity. The focus of Interactive HPC is to make complex digital technology accessible to all users.
Consortium Partners
The following partners collaborate on hosting and operating DeiC Interactive HPC
University of Southern Denmark
Aarhus University
University of Aalborg

Don’t forget to acknowledge the use of national HPC
As Front Office personnel it is your responsibility to inform your researchers that they are required to acknowledge their use of DeiC Interactive HPC in all their publications, book chapters, posters etc.
Acknowledgement is mandatory and only accepted when the researcher uses an HPC reference number – provided to them by their Front Office.