Competency Development

Lectures and workshops for students and researchers

The DeiC Interactive HPC team of experts offers face-to-face and online competency development courses on demand for research groups and students. The courses are mostly targeting new users in HPC, HPDA, and AI.

Submit your request for Competency Development with as much information about your needs as possible and we will get back to you*

* Services provided by DeiC Interactive HPC are subject to charge and not part of Front Office Support

DeiC Interactive HPC organises workshops and lectures on specialised subjects
  • Best practises in software development (version control, software documentation, software quality and testing, CI/CD)
  • Introduction to Docker
  • Parallel programming (MPI/OpenMP)
  • GPU programming
  • Data analysis and visualisation with Python, R, Julia, Matlab
  • Scalable machine learning: distributed training, hyperparameter tuning, model and architecture search, and AutoML
  • Interactive HPC best practises
  • Workflow optimisation on the Interactive HPC platform
  • Big data processing on the Interactive HPC platform
  • Introduction to data version control

Additional topics can be discussed on demand

Other Interactive HPC Services

DeiC Interactive HPC offers a range of advanced services aimed towards researchers, students and in some cases Front Office personnel.

Anything missing?

Are you missing a service, you think should be provided by Interactive HPC?
Please reach out to us with your request.