Interactive HPC operational status
Please note, that this status only reflects technical issues with the cluster/computer. Other issues, such as user overload, are only visible to Back Office personnel. A setup ensuring user access to this information is underway.
Front Office Support
Contact your local front office for assistance with:
- Guidance with apps on the platform
- Writing utility scripts for customising apps to accommodate user needs
- Troubleshooting when encountering problems with the platform
- Reporting system errors to Back Office
- Data management support
- Providing user with relevant links to user guide etc.
- Providing information about different usages and advantages of Interactive HPC
If the issue requires Back Office support, your Front Office will handle the redirect.

Contact your local Front Office for support
There are eight Front Offices – one for each university – that take care of their own users. The local Front Offices are responsible for any Interactive HPC support their users may need, and provide both HPC and data management support.
Contact the Front Office at the university you are affiliated with for: 1) help with data management related to Interactive HPC -UCloud, 2) help getting accustomed to using the HPC resources, 3) general user support related to Interactive HPC – UCloud.
For more information on Front Offices see
Helpful links for Interactive HPC users
User Guide
Visit the user guide for detailed information on how to get started, how to navigate and launch jobs.
The user guide also includes video tutorials for users.
Direct link to UCloud
Ready to start using Interactive HPC. Sign in to UCloud
Frequently asked questions from UCloud users – both researchers and students.
Interactive HPC operational status for users
Please note, that this status only reflects technical issues with the cluster/computer.
Other issues, such as user overload, are only be visible to Back Office personnel.
Apps documentation
UCloud documentation for preinstalled apps