Publication Research

DaCy: A Unified Framework for Danish NLP

A new set of Danish deep learning models for natural language processing (NLP) was trained in UCloud. Danish NLP has in recent years obtained considerable improvements with the addition of multiple new datasets and models. However, at present, there is no coherent framework for applying state-of-the-art models for Danish. We present DaCy: a unified framework for Danish NLP built on SpaCy. DaCy uses efficient multitask models which obtain state-of-the-art performance on named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and dependency parsing.

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Publication Research

When no news is bad news – Detection of negative events from news media content

During the first wave of Covid-19 information decoupling could be observed in the flow of news media content. The corollary of the content alignment within and between news sources experienced by readers (i.e., all news transformed into Corona-news), was that the novelty of news content went down as media focused monotonically on the pandemic event. This all-important Covid-19 news theme turned out to be quite persistent…

This is an excerpt. Click here for the full story.