DeiC Interactive HPC consisting of Aalborg University, Aarhus University, and University of Southern Denmark has been at the forefront of cloud and interactive high-performance computing in Denmark for several years. Their commitment to information security and compliance with international standards, including their ISO 27001 certifications, has been a key factor in their success.
In fact, DeiC Interactive HPC was the first HPC facility in Denmark to obtain an ISO 27001 certification, which is an internationally recognised standard for information security management systems (ISMS). The certification provides a framework for organisations to manage and protect their information assets, and it requires a rigorous process of assessment and ongoing monitoring to ensure compliance with the standard.
A Commitment to Information Security
Recently, the University of Southern Denmark announced that they have successfully renewed their ISO 27001 certification three years after they first obtained it in 2020. This recertification demonstrates the university’s ongoing commitment to information security and compliance with international standards.
“We are very proud to have received this renewal of our ISO 27001 certification. It is a testament to our ongoing efforts to ensure the highest levels of security and protection for our data and systems.”
Claudio Pica, CEO of DeiC National HPC center.
Both Aalborg University and the University of Southern Denmark have held ISO 27001 certifications for several years, demonstrating their commitment to maintaining the highest levels of security and compliance in their operations. This commitment has been particularly important in light of new regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which require organisations to take a proactive approach to data protection and privacy. Increasing threats from cyber attacks and data breaches also highlight the importance of taking proactive steps to protect data and systems from potential attacks.
Read the SDU eScience story for a detailed walk-through of the process of obtaining the ISO 27001 certification.
Dansk version:
Interactive HPC lever op til højeste internationale standarder med ISO 27001
DeiC Interactive HPC bestående af Aalborg Universitet, Aarhus Universitet og Syddansk Universitet været førende inden for cloud og interaktiv high-performance computing i Danmark i flere år. Deres engagement i informationssikkerhed og overholdelse af internationale standarder, herunder deres ISO 27001-certificeringer, har været en nøglefaktor i deres succes.
Faktisk var DeiC Interactive HPC de første i Danmark til at opnå en ISO 27001-certificering, som er en internationalt anerkendt standard for informationssikkerhedsstyringssystemer (ISMS). Certificeringen udstikker retningslinjer til organisationer i forhold til administration og beskyttelse af deres informationsaktiver, og den kræver en streng proces med løbende vurdering og overvågning for at sikre overholdelse af standarden.
Proaktiv tilgang til databeskyttelse og privatliv
For nylig meddelte Syddansk Universitet, at de med succes har fornyet deres ISO 27001-certificering tre år efter, de første gang opnåede den i 2020. Denne gencertificering demonstrerer universitetets løbende engagement i informationssikkerhed og overholdelse af internationale standarder.
“Vi er meget stolte over at have modtaget denne fornyelse af vores ISO 27001-certificering. Det er et vidnesbyrd om vores igangværende bestræbelser på at sikre det højeste niveau af sikkerhed og beskyttelse af vores data og systemer.”
Claudio Pica, CEO for DeiCs nationale HPC center
Både Aalborg Universitet og Syddansk Universitet har haft ISO 27001-certificeringer i flere år, hvilket viser deres engagement i at opretholde det højeste niveau af sikkerhed og compliance i deres drift. Denne forpligtelse har været særlig vigtig i lyset af nye regler såsom den generelle databeskyttelsesforordning (GDPR), som kræver, at organisationer tager en proaktiv tilgang til databeskyttelse og privatliv. Stigende trusler fra cyberangreb og databrud synliggør ligeledes vigtigheden af at tage proaktive skridt for at beskytte data og systemer mod potentielle angreb.
Se nyheden fra SDU eScience for en detaljeret gennemgang af processen med at opnå ISO 27001 certificeringen (på engelsk).