
Første kald om regnetid på de nationale HPC-anlæg er nu åbent

Er du forsker eller Ph.d.-studerende ved et dansk universitet kan du nu søge om adgang til regnetid på de nationale HPC-anlæg, inklusiv den danske del af EuroHPC LUMI. Opslaget er åbent for alle forskningsområder.

Der er åbent for ansøgninger om adgang til regneressourcer på de nationale HPC-anlæg. Det gælder også den danske del af EuroHPC LUMI.

This is an excerpt. Click here for the full story


HPC and Social Sciences

Professor (WSR) Oliver Baumann from the Department of Business & Management at SDU tells us how he uses supercomputing for his research and gives us his take on how researchers from social sciences, who are beginning to reach a limit with their own computers, can benefit from Interactive HPC.

In a current project, Baumann collaborates with two American colleagues to study resource allocation in hierarchical organizations…

This is an excerpt. Click here for the full story.

Teaching Tutorial

Teaching through UCloud

New webinar on Teaching through UCloud

The webinar aims to show how to utilize UCloud in terms of resources for students and teachers. In particular examples related to project management, software ready to use, assistance in the teacher and student workflows will be discussed.

View the one hour recorded webinar and Q&A from webinar chat.


Data(Tinget) – A data sprint on politics, history, data, and democracy

Once again The University Libraries at The Royal Danish Library invite students and staff from the Danish Universities to join us in a datasprint to grabble with digital methods like data wrangling and text and data mining.

The topic is democracy and political negotiations in t…

This is an excerpt. Click here for the full story.

Publication Research

DaCy: A Unified Framework for Danish NLP

A new set of Danish deep learning models for natural language processing (NLP) was trained in UCloud. Danish NLP has in recent years obtained considerable improvements with the addition of multiple new datasets and models. However, at present, there is no coherent framework for applying state-of-the-art models for Danish. We present DaCy: a unified framework for Danish NLP built on SpaCy. DaCy uses efficient multitask models which obtain state-of-the-art performance on named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and dependency parsing.

This is an excerpt. Click here for the full story.

Event Workshop

Interactive HPC-DK AI For Science GPU Bootcamp – October 13-14, 2021

Learn how to apply AI tools, techniques and algorithms to real-life problems.

You will study the core concepts of Deep Neural Networks, how to build Deep Learning models as well as how to measure and improve the accuracy of your models. You will also learn essential data pre-processing techniques to ensure a robust Machine Learning pipeline.

This is an excerpt. Click here for the full story.

Event Workshop

Nordic-RSE online unconference – June 29-30, 2021

Are you developing software or tools that are driven by research/engineering in either academia or industry? Need to network, share knowledge and experiences with your peers?

Nordic-RSE invites everyone interested to join and shape the agenda of our lightweight get-together. The program will consist mainly of your contributions and we encourage you to submit a short abstract for a discussion topic, talk, demonstration, or any other type of program you would like to run beforehand…

This is an excerpt. Click here for the full story.

Event Research Workshop

Improve your research impact: Metadata for Machines Workshop

One Danish research group can get the unique opportunity to make their metadata machine actionable in a 2 x 1/2 day event – free of charge. The concept is developed by researchers for researchers.

The aim of the M4M WS is to work practically on how to improve your metadata and make them machine-actionable, thus complying with the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) principles.

This is an excerpt. Click here for the full story.

Publication Research

When no news is bad news – Detection of negative events from news media content

During the first wave of Covid-19 information decoupling could be observed in the flow of news media content. The corollary of the content alignment within and between news sources experienced by readers (i.e., all news transformed into Corona-news), was that the novelty of news content went down as media focused monotonically on the pandemic event. This all-important Covid-19 news theme turned out to be quite persistent…

This is an excerpt. Click here for the full story.