Local Front Offices
There are eight Front Offices – one for each university – that take care of their own users. The local Front Office is responsible for any Interactive HPC support users may need.
As a part of the national initiative, the eight universities have set up local Front Offices to provide both HPC and data management support to users at their own university.
The jobs of the front offices are:
- To help users get accustomed to using the HPC resources
- To provide user support
- To help users with data management.

The role of Front Offices
Front Offices are obligated to provide the following support for their users:
- Guiding users in existing apps on the platform
- Writing utility scripts for customising apps to accommodate user needs
- Troubleshooting when users encounter problems with the platform
- Reporting system errors to Back Office
- Data management support
- Ensuring acknowledgement of HPC-use according to DeiC rules
- Providing user with relevant links to user guide etc.
- Providing information about different usages and advantages of Interactive HPC
Contact your local Front Office for support
Contact the Front Office at the university you are affiliated with.
Front Offices can be contacted via email.
For more information on Front Offices see https://www.deic.dk/en/Front-Office