DeiC HPC Interactive HPC Supercomputing UCloud UCloud status Uncategorized

DeiC Interactive HPC reaches 4.000 users on UCloud

We’re approaching the end of the second year with DeiC Interactive HPC – and there are now 4000 users on UCloud!

During the first year with DeiC Interactive HPC, UCloud reached more than 2000 users. We’re glad that the interest in the platform has continued to grow throughout the second year.

Go to SDU eScience for full story

HPC Interactive HPC Supercomputing UCloud

New UCloud release

Since we discontinued our support for mounting your local folders onto UCloud using WebDAV, have we been in search of a way to allow the users of UCloud to work with their files locally without having to re-upload them to UCloud after every change. We are happy to announce that we now have a new solution that gives the possibility to synchronize your local files with your UCloud file storage.

Go to SDU eScience for more information on the release

DeiC HPC Supercomputing UCloud

Call for applications for National HPC resources

As a researcher or Ph.d. Student at a Danish university you can now apply for resources on the national HPC centers, including the Danish part of EuroHPC LUMI.

The second call for applications for regular access to resources on the national HPC centers is now open. This includes applications for the Danish part of EuroHPC LUMI. The call is open for applications from all research areas.

As part of the use of the national e-infrastructures DeiC issues calls for applications on the use of the national resources. The projects are granted resources after application and on basis of assessment of research quality and technical feasibility.

The applications are evaluated by the appointed e-ressource committe and the grants are approved by the DeiC board.

Deadline for applications are 4th of October 2022 midnight, and the resources will be available for use from 1. January 2023.

For more information visit DeiC

Conference Data Management DeiC Event HPC Interactive HPC Research Supercomputing

Tilmeldingen til DeiC konference 2022 er åben

Nu er der åbnet for tilmeldingen til årets DeiC konference med fokus på modenhed og tilpasning.

Konferencens hovedtema er ”Alignment and Maturity: Implementing Research Infrastructure Solutions”.

Programmet er inddelt i fire spor: Data management, supercomputing (HPC), net og tjenester, samt sikkerhed. Inden for hvert spor vil der blive fokuseret på ’maturity’ og ’alignment’, samt strategier til løsninger på problemstillinger inden for forskningsinfrastrukturen.

Se program og tilmeld dig konferencen.

DeiC Event Supercomputing UCloud Workshop

DeiC Interactive HPC Back Office workshop

On May 10th, the SDU eScience Center was visited by colleagues from Aarhus University and Aalborg University for a Back Office workshop in the DeiC Interactive HPC consortium. The DeiC Interactive HPC Back Office collaborates on the development and operation of the facility. 

The overall topic of the workshop was “Developing UCloud apps” and discussion points included development tools, development workflow, deployment of apps on UCloud, to name a few. 

“The main focus of the workshop was to share our knowledge and experience in developing applications for UCloud with other members of the consortium. During the lessons we took a specific use case to demonstrate all the steps of the app development workflow, doing a live coding session with all the participants

Emiliano Molinaro, team leader for the user support team at the SDU eScience Center.

This is an excerpt. Click here for the full story.